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Kirk Klungness • September 14, 2020


A)  Back Squat
Build to a heavy single for the day

B) 5 Rounds for Time:
25 DU
12 DL 155
5 T2B
25 DU
9 Hang Power Clean 155
5 T2B
25 DU
6 Push Jerk 155
5 T2B

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By Kirk Klungness September 25, 2020
2 Rounds 10 Lunge 10 Air Squat 10 Cossack Squat Superset x 3 A) Gobblet Split Squat 6-8 Reps Per Leg B) Single Leg Contralateral DL 6-8 Per Leg with KB C) Single Leg Glute Bridge 10 Per Leg Strongman Conditioning: 3-5 Rounds 60' Suitcase Carry R 60' Suitcase Carry L 30 Sec Plank 60' OH Carry R 60' OH Carry L 30 Sec Plank Rest 2 Min
By Kirk Klungness September 24, 2020
"Rest/Active Recovery Day" Active Recovery: 15 Min Bike at conversational pace"
By Kirk Klungness September 23, 2020
Muscle Snatch 5x2 Muscle Clean 5x2 1-1/4 Front Squat 3x3" "15 Min AMRAP" 12 Russian Swings 24kg 9 Burpees 6 Straight Leg Sit ups"
By Kirk Klungness September 22, 2020
Warmup: 3 Sets 4-6 reps Half Kneeling Landmine Press at Tempo 31X1 Strength: Z-Press 9-8-7 Add weight each set, rest as needed between sets Conditioning: 3-5 Rounds (Each Round for time) 12 Cal Bike 6 Barbell Row 135# 6 Push Press 135# Rest 2 Min If pace drops or form drops off after 3 rounds call it. Try to get at least 3 rounds in.
By Kirk Klungness September 21, 2020
4x10 Back Squat at 50% of 1RM 4x10 Deadlift at 50% of 1RM
By Kirk Klungness September 16, 2020
Snatch Complex 1-1-1-1-1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 OHS 4 Rounds for Time Run 400m 10 KB Snatch R 10 KB Snatch L
By Kirk Klungness September 15, 2020
EMOM 15 Min Min 1: 15 Cal Bike Min 2: 10 Push Up Min 3: 10 Alternating Front Rack Lunge 95# 5 Min Bike at conversational pace
By Kirk Klungness September 11, 2020
Ascending Ladder: Strict Press 95/65 Strict Pull-up Start With 1 Rep of each and add 1 Rep of each until failure. Once you fail Rest 2 Mins and attempt the round again. If you pass, move on...After your 2nd failure the workout is over. Rest as needed between sets
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